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Lorretta Anza

Accredited Buddhist Psychotherapist

EMDR Practitioner

Certified Mindfulness & Compassion Teacher 




A fully accredited Buddhist Psychotherapist, EMDR practitioner and Certified Mindfulness & Meditation teacher providing evidence based therapeutic intervention grounded in traditional Buddhist wisdom insights, perspectives and mindfulness. 







NDIS - Individual Counselling & Assessments


EAP & CTP Provider


Accredited EMDR Practitioner





*  APS ( affiliated )

*  AASW Nationally Accredited 




Psychotherapy can translate to practical help in the form of providing guidance in understanding how to create what happiness means for you, mental calm and joy, manage general stress, depression, anxiety,  chronic illness, and relationship tension and stress. 



About Lorretta

Known for her gentle and caring manner, Lorretta has established herself as an honest and trustworthy practitioner who is well respected in her field of work. She believes there is no greater privilege than to serve the community as a health practitioner. 


Lorretta also enjoys building rapport with patients of different ages, social and cultural backgrounds. She believes there is no better reward than to give back to humanity by being with her patients as they improve their quality of life. A lifetime of continous Buddhist studies and practice offer a foundation of wisdom, principles and perspectives to help reduce suffering.​


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